Four years after Fukushima, global nuclear power generation continues to slow. Worldwide, there are currently 62 reactors under construction - five fewer than a year ago - of which at least three-quarters have been delayed. Nuclear energy thus remains an unstable and uncertain investment. If it weren’t for the World Nuclear Industry Status Report, we probably wouldn’t know. This is because the nuclear industry is working hard to have us believe quite the opposite: that the world is seeing a nuclear renaissance.
Over the past years, the World Nuclear Industry Status Report has made a name for itself as an independent and accurate reference point to researchers and media the world over. The report's success is due to its truly factual and empirical analysis of the global nuclear industry. It is not a report intended to push a pro or anti nuclear narrative, it simply states the facts. It bundles and makes available generally accepted data and provides a vital reality check to the current situation of the global nuclear industry, as well as identifying important nuclear trends.
Please check out the 2015 report at www.worldnuclearreport.org.